Product Certification

Certification Guidelines are established to evaluate the credentials and claims of applicants to the AIS Certification program to ensure they meet specified AIS standards and requirements. AIS Certification provides a standardized base-level of professional knowledge and skills for stress management devices, programs or items.

Product samples will be distributed to the members of the AIS Certification Committee and possibly to Fellows who are experts in a related field of specialty, for use and review. If you are submitting a training program or service, we will contact you to discuss options for reviewing your submission.

Evaluations will be based on the quality and amount of research submitted supporting the product or service, efficacy, ease of use, durability and customer service. Those outcomes will be weighed against product/service claims and marketing. The product/ service will also be evaluated in context with any previously certified products/services in the same category.

Stressed man using a Massage Device

Examples of Product Categories

If your product does not fit into one of these product categories, you may submit it as miscellaneous.

Certification Process

  1. To begin the certification process you must first submit a “Proposal for Certification”. The proposal should be no longer than two pages describing your company/organization and or product, outlining some of the evidence that backs up your claims. Be sure to include a brief company history, any associated websites, list of publications and a short list of abstracts if available. Submit your Proposal for Certification.
  2. The AIS Certification Committee (ACC) will review all documentation submitted via the proposal. Great care is taken in considering your Proposal for Certification. You will only be invited to apply for the AIS Seal of Certification if we feel that your corporation/organization or product is a good certification candidate. If the proposal is approved – We will invite you to formally apply by sending you the Certification Application. At this time, we will also request product samples (if applicable) for evaluation. If the proposal is denied – We will communicate the reason(s) for denial and offer suggestions to strengthen your proposal.
  3. The ACC will evaluate your application packet and samples. The ACC’s decision will be communicated to you via the contact email that you provide in your application. If your application for AIS Certification is denied, the ACC will communicate the reason for their decision and suggestions to improve your submission, so that you may apply again.

Once your product has gone through the certification process and is approved, certification is $1,000 per year, with a 5-year minimum.

This product has been certified by The American Institute of Stress. The AIS Seal of Certification reflects this manufacture’s commitment to making truly significant strides toward providing the public with stress reduction tools, training and techniques and that they have developed a product that reduces stress levels and improves the health and quality of life for consumers. The AIS seal indicates that this product delivers on its claims as a stress management tool or training source.