Mental health: High stress levels trigger work absenteeism, experts say

Professional burnout occurs more and more recurrently in modern work environments, those in which productivity and performance are prioritized above all else.

In its most recent World Report on mental health, the World Health Organization (WHO) highlighted the role of workplaces as spaces that can trigger serious illnesses in the population (such as stress, anxiety or burnout), but they also have the great potential to act as safe places that prevent psychosocial risks. On the other hand, data from Deloitte’s Workplace Burnout Survey refer to that at least 77% of workers have experienced some type of burnout in their current job.

This year is a key moment in which employees and their mental health will be essential to achieve their plans, explained Anabel Fernández, CEO and founder of Affor Health, a company specializing in managing and improving psychosocial health in organizations. The specialist affirmed that, in a country like Mexico, with high levels of work stress, it is to be expected that many professionals enter the ranks of burnout or fatigued collaborator syndrome. Thus, companies have a great challenge: avoid the risks of burnout and take care of their teams, while encouraging the company’s productivity.

Overwork and over-productivity are often thought of as a short-term boost; As the period of high demand ends, a kind of calm and rest returns. But the reality is that the consequences of burnout are also manifested in the long term, far beyond the immediate stress highlighted by Affor Health.

Reasons to avoid stress at work. Given this, the firm proposes three reasons why a company is to its advantage not to have workers ‘on fire’.

fewer absences: Burnout has physical manifestations such as gastrointestinal diseases, severe allergies, headaches, or migraines, among others. A report by The American Institute of Stress (AIS) indicates that close to 60% of work absenteeism is caused by high levels of stress.

“Companies that have comprehensive psychosocial risk prevention programs achieve a considerable reduction in absenteeism and thereby lay the foundations for a more favorable growth since they have their teams healthy and productiveFernandez said.

2) Most creative teams: A study from the University of Colorado, United States, yielded new information on the impact of high levels of stress on terms of cognitive impairment and loss of ability.

For Fernández, healthy work environments have a positive impact in terms of fostering the creativity of employees and their ability to solve problems, or even learn and develop new skills.

3) The best talent available: It is of little use to have the best team if you do not take care of it, as this can lead to not developing its full potential. “There may be employees who do not give their best due to stress or anxiety, but when these factors are reduced, the results are amazing and companies discover the true potential of their employees,” concludes the CEO of Affor Health.

Original post by Ruetir

Photo by Vlada Karpovich