Biographical Info Dr. Andrew S. Bonci is a former Associate Professor of Diagnosis and Department Chair of Diagnostic Sciences and Radiology. He holds Diplomate status with the American Academy of Pain Management, American Association of Experts in Traumatic Stress, and the American Association of Integrative Medicine. Presently, he is in private practice in Mission, Kansas where he runs a bilingual clinic serving the needs of both the English and Spanish speaking communities.
Email Address [email protected]
Level Fellow
Accepting New Patients Yes
Biography Soy un quiropráctico que atiende a una comunidad bilingüe tanto en español como en inglés. Nos centramos en el cuidado del dolor y el bienestar. Doy conferencias sobre el sistema endocannabinoide a colegas.I am a chiropractor serving a bilingual community in both Spanish and English. We focus on pain care and well-being. I give lectures on the endocannabinoid system to colleagues.