We express our gratitude for your generous donation, which supports our endeavors in creating educational resources such as free quarterly magazines, monthly podcasts, webinars, and additional content. Your support enables us to persist in educating and empowering both you and the community to learn to manage stress in your life and the lives of others.
Through your commitment to AIS, you empower us to develop content that sparks curiosity, disseminates knowledge, and enriches our collective comprehension of stress and its successful management. Your backing is fundamental to the accomplishment of our crucial mission.
With a total of eight issues annually, our quarterly magazines are invaluable resources. Contentment explores the pursuit of peaceful happiness amidst life’s challenges, while Combat Stress provides crucial support specifically designed for Service Members, Veterans, first responders, and their families.
We launched a state-of-the-art website that attracts over 1.35 million unique views a year. This website serves as the ultimate hub for education, research, and resources, to help you start managing your stress effectively.
We produce documentaries that delve into the complexities of stress, featuring world-renowned experts. Their combined expertise spans from pioneering experiments on the mind-body connection to cutting-edge research on unraveling the mysteries of the unconscious mind.
Hosted by our Executive Director, William Heckman, our monthly podcast helps individuals better understand, cope, and manage their stress. Finding Contentment is dedicated to exploring stress and stress-related issues. Each episode features insightful interviews with healthcare practitioners, stress experts, and professionals specializing in stress research and management.