Media Relations

The Media Relations department at The American Institute of Stress (AIS) serves as a conduit connecting AIS with local, national, and international media outlets. Media relations at AIS offer centralized and coordinated communication support, providing up-to-date information and products, print, and online media, and is the official link to news media. 

The Media Relations are available to respond to journalists’ inquiries and requests. In addition to providing news releases and tip sheets, we also provide:

  • Photographs and digital images
  • Diplomate and Fellow biographies
  • Background information on research and fellows
  • Latest research and reports on stress and stress-related topics

The AIS Media and Speakers Bureau offers a service connecting our credentialled healthcare professional members with corporations and media outlets across the United States. Our diverse pool of AIS Fellows and Diplomates, representing various clinical specialties, is available to deliver engaging talks at conferences, corporate meetings, and other events covering a broad spectrum of stress-related subjects. While our speakers will sometimes volunteer their time and expertise, an honorarium might be requested along with any expenses incurred. We deeply appreciate any donations that can support the ongoing efforts of our Media and Speakers Bureau.

Please feel free to use any of the material found on this website to promote The American Institute of Stress and its mission with the proper attributes.

AIS can help you develop stories, articles or presentations about:

Stress Statistics

of people who regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress
0 %
regularly experience psychological symptoms caused by stress
0 %
of people feel they are living with extreme stress
0 %
feel their stress has increased over the past five years
0 %
cited money and work as the leading cause of their stress
0 %
of people reported lying awake at night due to stress
0 %
say stress has a negative impact on their personal and professional life
0 %
employed adults who say they have difficulty managing work and family responsibilities
0 %
cited jobs interfering with their family or personal time as a significant source of stress
0 %
said stress has caused them to fight with people close to them
0 %
reported being alienated from a friend or family member because of stress
0 %
annual costs to employers in stress related health care and missed work
$ 0 B

Financial Problems

Money is the top cause of stress in the United States.


Americans now spend 8% more time at work compared to 20 years ago, and about 13% of people work a second job. At least 40% report their jobs are stressful, and 26% report they often feel burned out by their work.

Personal Relationships

There are people in all of our lives that cause us stress. It could be a family member, an intimate partner, a friend, or a co-worker.


Parents are often faced with managing busy schedules that include a job, household duties, and raising children. These demands result in parenting stress.

Daily Life & Business

Your personality traits and the resources you have available to you tie into all of the above and can be independent sources of stress as well.

Personality & Resources

Parents are often faced with managing busy schedules that include a job, household duties, and raising children. These demands result in parenting stress.

Sleep Deprivation

Inability to release adrenaline and other stress hormones.

In surveys, many people report experiencing these physical symptoms due to stress. These symptoms are commonly associated with stress, although the exact percentages of individuals citing each symptom vary and are not specified.

  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Upset stomach
  • Muscle tension
  • Change in appetite
  • Teeth grinding
  • Change in sex drive
  • Feeling dizzy

Precise percentages for the occurrence of individual psychological symptoms are not widely known. Nevertheless, those experiencing psychological distress commonly report encountering these symptoms.

  • Irritability or anger
  • Feeling nervous
  • Lack of energy
  • Feeling as though you could cry