3 Ways To Encourage Healthy Practices Around The Office

Almost everyone I know has experienced a toxic work environment. Colleagues may be pitted against each other, communication strained, or leadership marked by micromanagement or indifference. It’s just not pretty. And worse, that type of environment takes a significant toll on an employee’s health. It contributes to issues like chronic stress and burnout. It also leads to decreased productivity, high turnover rates, and burned bridges.

One of my goals as a leader is that no one who works for one of my companies can ever say they’ve experienced that. I want employees to be the happiest, healthiest versions of themselves. I firmly believe that a positive, supportive workplace culture is fundamental to our success as a company. When employees feel valued and respected, they become more engaged, creative, and committed to achieving our shared goals. They support each other when they care about one another.

Prioritizing employee well-being is also just part of being a good leader and a good person. Here are a few effective strategies to cultivate a culture of wellness in your workplace:

1. Prioritize Mental Health Support

According to The American Institute of Stress, “80% of workers feel stress on the job, nearly half say they need help in learning how to manage stress, and 42% say their coworkers need such help.” To support employees facing stress, implement employee assistance programs and/or offer mental health days. Providing access to confidential counseling services and resources can empower employees to seek help and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues. And giving people time off when they need a break, lets them come back to work feeling refreshed.

You might be thinking: “But that costs money.” While that’s true, it’s an investment, and it’s an investment that pays off. In fact, companies that invest in mental health programs see an average return on investment of $4 for every dollar spent. And, like I said above, it’s the right thing to do.

You should also promote regular breaks and establish flexible work arrangements. Short breaks to stretch, walk around, or just chat with coworkers can boost productivity and allow employees to recharge. Flexible schedules or remote work options allow employees to manage their work-life balance. If a worker needs to go to the doctor or see a therapist, they shouldn’t have to stress about taking a day off to do so. You can even further support them while they’re sick by sending them a note of encouragement or a get well soon basket. Companies like Spoonful of Comfort, who specialize in gift deliveries for different occasions, create get well soon baskets that can be helpful in offering your employees encouragement during times when they may be out for health-related reasons.

Every employee should feel comfortable to leave when they need a break. That’s even more true when considering vacation time. I was shocked to learn Americans waste millions of vacation days each year. That’s millions of missed opportunities to recharge and connect with family and friends. Encourage your team to take time off. You might think work is the more important thing, but it’s not. I’ve recently written about this in other publications—you have to put your health first.

2. Foster a Positive Social Environment

Creating a workplace where employees feel a sense of belonging and connection is so important because they can simply show up and be themselves. There’s no “putting on a face” for work, which isn’t healthy at all. Really, “brave face syndrome,” where workers smile and suppress all the stress and negative feelings that they are experiencing, can be dangerous.

Some studies show that over 70% of employees show up at work without mentally being there. Instead of being comfortable to express their emotions or ask for help, many put on a smile and conceal their struggles. When this happens, both their mental and physical wellbeing suffer. The same can be said about productivity. In fact, it can also cost companies billions of dollars every year.

I’ve always found it’s beneficial to encourage team-building activities that allow employees to bond outside of their usual tasks. Whether it’s group outings, team lunches, or volunteer opportunities, these activities can promote a sense of camaraderie and build stronger relationships.

Celebrating achievements is also key. It reinforces a culture of recognition and appreciation, which boosts morale. I’ve learned to make a great margarita (if I do say so myself) because my team enjoys happy hours. Most recently, we celebrated our intern’s graduation, and I’m excited to start planning our annual Fourth of July shindig. I truly enjoy the moments where coworkers can bring their families together and have a fun time, and they do too.

3. Encourage Physical Activity

Unfortunately, many jobs today require employees to sit at their desks for a majority of the day. This type of sedentary lifestyle can have detrimental effects on health. It can contribute to poor posture, muscle stiffness, back pain, and increased risk of certain chronic conditions. Inactivity has also been linked to decreased energy, reduced productivity, and even mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

Encouraging physical activity in the workplace can be tricky, but it can also be fun—if you do it right. Scheduling walking meetings or investing in standing desks are easier ways to encourage movement. In my experience, incorporating physical activity into the workday has been received well. At a company I advise, we’ve scheduled yoga sessions and organized regular walks around the office building or nearby parks. A majority of employees participate, and I’ve gotten positive feedback.

If you want to introduce wellness programs, just make sure they’re tailored to meet the needs and preferences of your team. Yoga classes or massages can be great for those seeking relaxation and stress relief, but nutrition workshops could be more beneficial for those interested in improving their eating habits. Don’t assume everyone wants to run a 5k. This goes back to knowing your employees and creating a culture where they’re comfortable.

Lead by Example

As a business leader, it’s important to prioritize the mental health of your employees because it directly impacts productivity, engagement, and overall workplace culture. Keep in mind that healthy habits start at the top. When leaders prioritize their own well-being by taking breaks, exercising, and practicing work-life balance, it sets a positive example for the entire team. Choosing to offer a wellness program is great, but take the next step to actually participate too.

To learn more go to American Institute of Stress



Photo by Helena Lopes